In 2017, under President Sakaki's leadership, Sonoma State University achieved eligibility to apply for Title IX grants as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). The campus continues to prioritize initiatives and programs to increase higher education opportunities and equity within the Latinx community as key components of internal strategic planning and implementation, and in response to the California State University Graduation Initiative 2025.
In 2020, Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Jerlena Griffin-Desta commissioned an HSI Task Force. The Task Force was chaired by Dr. Elisa Velásquez-Andrade, Chair of the Psychology Department, and explored how to better serve our Latinx student, staff and faculty populations. In doing so, our aim is for all underrepresented populations to benefit.
Charge of the HSI Task Force
define and describe what an HSI should look like at SSU
assess how SSU is meeting that definition
develop goals and objectives that will ensure we can make claim to being an HSI
provide other recommendations that will enrich the campus climate for Latinx students, staff, and faculty at SSU
develop a list of "promising practices" from model institutions across the nation
Task Force Membership
Elisa Velasquez-Andrade, Professor and Chair Psychology Department (Task Force Chair)
Tramaine Austin-Dillon, Programs and Policy Specialist (Task Force Staff)
Laura Alamillo, Dean School of Education
Catherine Fonseca, Outreach & Inclusion Librarian
Christina Gomez, Chair of Associated Students Senate
Julia Gonzalez, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications
Angelina Gutierrez, SSU Alumna
Maricela Ibarra Aceves, Credential Office, School of Education
Elias Lopez, Senior Associate Vice President, Academic Resources
Karen Lopez, SSU Graduate Student
Andy Martinez, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Mario A. Perez, Vice President for University Advancement
Arcelia Sandoval, Compliance Officer, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Rheannon Torres, Administrative Analyst/Specialist English Department
Robert Train, Professor, Department Modern Languages
HSI News
Learning in STEM for Hispanic Serving Institution’s (HSIs) Award
Congratulations to Dean Elisabeth Wade and Dr. Sara Kassis for receiving a new award to support active learning in introductory STEM courses with extended reality at HSI's. The award amount is $155,788. For more information about the award visit the School of Science & Technology website.